Desk Cnc Breakout Board

CNC Breakout board for Nucleo-64 based development boards using ST morpho extension header. Preliminary information. grblHAL driver support for Nucleo F411RE and Nucleo F4446RE development boards. NOTE: design files are in KiCad 5 format! Features: Four layer board. 4-axis motor support with separate enable for all axes. The new MB3 Version 2 is the continued development of the MB series of breakout boards. It keeps the best features of its predecessors MB1 and MB2 and in addition, allows all isolated inputs to be used in both NPN or PNP mode and also to operate with either 5V or 24V.

BOBs (Break Out Boards)

Search for breakout board. Get fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Desktop Internal Hard Drives (5). Breakout board USB CNC MDK2 4 axis. Sep 22, 2016 - Explore CNC Idea's board 'CNC Breakout Board' on Pinterest. See more ideas about breakout board, cnc, mach3.

  • Voltage Level Translators


One of the questions we are asked the most, is 'Which BOB do you recommend?' Since we don't want to play favorites, we are listing each category alphabetically by manufacturer. Please keep in mind that we are not endorsing any particular BOBs, but rather letting you know which ones we know of. This will list all of the commercial BOBs we know of. Some will work better than others for your needs, and some may not work at all for your needs. You will need to do your own research to decide what is appropriate for you.

As you are trying to decide what you will need, here are some common items to consider regarding your hardware needs:

1) Your EStop (big red switch) should cut power to the motor drivers, but also supply 1 input to the SmoothStepper so the SmoothStepper knows that an EStop event occurred.


2) Each motor driver will need 2 output pins, a Step and Dir CW/CCW or Quadrature A & B. 4 motor drivers would need 8 output pins.
3) How many home and limit switches?
* Each motor (including master and slave motors) will typically have a home switch for 1 input each (the slave motor has a home switch so the gantry can auto square during the homing process).
* Each home switch will typically be the limit switch for that end of the axis (slave motors are ignored for limit switches)
* X and Y axes typically would have a limit switch at the opposite end of the axes, but don't need to have one.
* Z axes usually only have the limit (home) switch at the full retraction height, and don't have a limit switch at the full depth location (you would have already crushed your bit by that point), but plasma or laser systems may have a second limit on their Z.

* Rotational axes typically have a home (index) but may or may not have limits.
4) Will your spindle:
* Be turned on and off manually? (no outputs)
* Use a single relay to turn it on and off from GCode M3/M5 but not have automatic speed control?
* Use a VFD that needs a 0-10V signal for GCode Speed control and one relay (for ON/OFF) or a second relay (for providing Direction (M3 FWD or M4 REV)?
* Be a step direction controlled Spindle (2 outputs)?
* Be a Modbus controlled spindle?

5) Will you need any spindle RPM feedback : an index pulse (1 input) or an encoder (3 inputs - A channel, B channel, Index pulse)?
6) Will you need a Probe (1 input)?

7) Will you need any other outputs for coolant, mist, lasers, torches, etc...

For lasers type systems you can easily get by with a 5V BOB. With routers and spindles, you can get by with a 5V BOB, but you need to make sure your spindle is grounded properly and that you keep the 5V wires away from the power cables. There can be noise issues with VFDs and spindles, and you may want to consider shielded wires or a 24V BOB. With plasma systems you really want a 24V BOB with isolation to provide noise immunity.

We are linking to the manufacturer's home or landing pages, and their specific product pages. However, we have no control over what they say, do, or claim there; you will be at external sites.

Here is our FAQ page for the other common questions about BOBs.

Also, keep in mind that the SmoothStepper and normal BOBs will use this Parallel Port Pin out (click here for more details):

Here are the ESS port numbers as well:

General Purpose BOBs

  • The new MB3 is the continued development of the MB series of breakout boards. It keeps the best features of its predecessors MB1 and MB2, plus it allows all isolated inputs to be used with both NPN and PNP mode and both 5v and 24v voltage levels. In this new design, the ESS board can be directly plugged into the MB3 without using ribbon cables. This makes the ESS easier to install and reduces the number of contact points, PCB trace distance, inductance and resistance between ESS and MB3 board. As a result, all signals are less likely to be affected by noise and distortion. Here is a video review of the MB3 by DazTheGas.
  • The MB2 is an Industrial environment BOB, featuring: 6 Axis Line driver; I/O that utilizes all 3 ports of the ESS; OSSD safety output; Status LEDs for all signals; Requires a single 24V power supply.

Product Manual in English

One point to note, is that a high speed 24V input signal going into the opto-isolators may not be recognized. An example of this would be a spindle index signal or encoders. You will know that this is your problem, if you can read low speed signals, but as you increase your speed the signal degrades and is lost. To fix this, either a filter capacitor needs to be removed, or a photocoupler has to be used instead.

The MB1 was signed for LPT/USB SmoothStepper and its inputs was designed to prevent noise interference from industrial devices such as plasma cutter, industrial motor. The MB2, the successor has been carried on this heritage. So, catching high speed signals, the capacitor for that particular input need to be removed.

The 24v NPN input, such as X215, suit to the encoder with open collector output. The modified 5v PNP input, such as X315 suit to the encoder with differential line driver output.

Desk Cnc Breakout Board Kit

The customers can request photocouplers in the order comments field before check out.

You may read more in this forum thread.

CNC4PC is a Florida based manufacturer and vendor of quality CNC parts. Automation Technology Inc is a reseller of CNC4PC products along with many other CNC related parts and products.

Here is a list of the CNC4PC breakout boards that are commonly used with a SmoothStepper:

  • C6 - Variable Speed Control Board (Step Signals) Unless you are sure you need Step/Dir, I would recommend a PWM version (like the C41) over Step/Dir variable speed control.
  • C10 - Bidirectional Parallel Port Interface Card (Screw Terminals) NOTE: The output pins are designed for IEEE 1284 and have a 1.2K Ohm pull up resistors on them, which means when Mach is not running, the SmoothStepper will not be able to drive these pins low, and the pull up resistor will turn these outputs on. I.e. your outputs/relays may be active until Mach takes control of the SmoothStepper. CAUTION - make sure this will be acceptable with your hardware.
  • C10S - Bidirectional Parallel Port Interface Card (Push Lock Terminals) NOTE: The output pins are designed for IEEE 1284 and have a 1.2K Ohm pull up resistors on them, which means when Mach is not running, the SmoothStepper will not be able to drive these pins low, and the pull up resistor will turn these outputs on. I.e. your outputs/relays may be active until Mach takes control of the SmoothStepper. CAUTION - make sure this will be acceptable with your hardware.
  • C11 - Multi-function CNC Board (Screw Terminals) with PWM 0 to 10V Analog NOTE: The output pins are designed for IEEE 1284 and have a 1.2K Ohm pull up resistors on them, which means when Mach is not running, the SmoothStepper will not be able to drive these pins low, and the pull up resistor will turn these outputs on. I.e. your outputs/relays may be active until Mach takes control of the SmoothStepper. CAUTION - make sure this will be acceptable with your hardware.
  • C11G- Multi-function CNC Board (Screw Terminals) with PWM 0 to 10V Analog. NOTE: Set the IEEE1284 jumper to 'Not Compatible' and the outputs should work fine.

Here are the basic trouble shooting steps for the C11G:

Make sure your C11G is connected to the ESS port you think you are connected to (second picture from the top on this page).

If the DROs are showing movement, that means that the ESS is issuing step pulses, the BOB is ignoring them or sending them to a pin different than you wired to.
0) Please open the C11G manual.
1) In section 5.2 make sure that you have the external EN connected to 5V to enable the C11G. If not, it won't let your motors move.
2) in 5.3, is your Power LED indicator on?
3) in 5.4 is your charge pump enabled and set to port 1 pin 17? You can always try disabling the SCHP as shown at the end of 5.4 (but try generating the signal from Mach to make sure that the hardware is working right).
4) in 5.5 set the IEEE 1284 to 'Not Compatible' mode.

  • C11S - Multi-function CNC Board (Push Lock Terminals) with PWM 0 to 10V Analog. NOTE: The output pins are designed for IEEE 1284 and have a 1.2K Ohm pull up resistors on them, which means when Mach is not running, the SmoothStepper will not be able to drive these pins low, and the pull up resistor will turn these outputs on. I.e. your outputs/relays may be active until Mach takes control of the SmoothStepper. CAUTION - make sure this will be acceptable with your hardware.
  • C13 - Basic Breakout Board. No electronics, just direct access to the signals on the pins.
  • C25 - Dual Port SmoothStepper Board(Screw Terminals) NOTE: This board has LEDs on the input pins that draw roughly 13 mA of current from your input source (proximity sensor, switch, probe, etc...). This current draw is larger than what some devices can source and they can't drive the input pin high enough to 'Activate'. In these cases the user needs to de-solder the LED from the C25 input pin, or add a 1k pull up resistor to 5V, or modify the drive signal to have more current, or switch to a different BOB. The C25S (right below) is a good alternative since it does not have the LEDs drawing current from the input source. CAUTION - make sure this will be acceptable with your hardware. ADDITIONAL NOTE: This C25 has Port1 Pins 1 and 2 that block the TMC3in1 from seating - those two pins would need to be removed (cut out of the terminal header) for the TMC3in1 to seat properly.
  • C25S - Dual Port SmoothStepper Board(Push Lock Terminals)
  • C31 - OPTOISOLATED 24V BREAKOUT BOARD. This has been replaced by the C79 or C80
  • C32S - Dual Port Multi-function CNC Board NOTE:Set the IEEE1284 jumper to 'Not Compatible' and the outputs should work fine.
  • C41 - PWM Variable Speed Control Board

Desk Cnc Breakout Board Cnc

  • C52 - ESS Third Port Expansion Board
  • C53 - ESS Third Port Expansion Board for Encoders
  • C62 - Dual Port Multi-function Board NOTE: Set the IEEE1284 jumper to 'Not Compatible' and the outputs should work fine.
  • C69 - PWM Spindle Control Board
  • C77 - TTL Driver Board 24V/5V
  • C79 - Open Collector Expansion Board. 13 Inputs and 4 Outputs. 12V/24V with OptoIsolation. This will only work with port 2 or port 3 of the ESS, and you will need to set pins 2-9 as inputs for the port it is connected to.
  • C80 - Open Collector Breakout Board. 5 Inputs and 12 Outputs. 12V/24V with OptoIsolation. This will work with all three of the ESS's ports. However, if connected to port 2 or port 3 of the ESS, you will need to set pins 2-9 as outputs for the port it is connected to.
  • C82 - Dual Port Multi-function Board_B
  • HobbyCNC PRO 4-Axis Board Control 3 or 4 stepper motors from your computers printer port! Ideal For Desktop Machining and Robots! Control Routers, Lathes, Mills, PCB Drillers, and Engravers! Just About Anything!
  • HobbyCNC EZ Board Control 3 stepper motors from your computers printer port! Ideal For Desktop Machining and Robots! DIY CNC Routers, DIY CNC Lathes, Mills, PCB Drillers, and Engravers! Just About Anything!

Located in Australia

  • MB-02-V6 Bidirectional Breakout Board
  • DC-03 DigiSpeed GX V3 PWM to Analog

Products for CNC and motion control applications since 1998. Design, manufacturing, and support based in the USA.

  • PMDX-126The PMDX-126 is an isolated breakout board with support for 9 inputs, 16 outputs, and an interface for controlling a VFD (using the optional PMDX-107 NOTE: Please use a 300 HZ PWM base frequency with the PMDX-107). It is recommended that the ESS use a 5V power supply separate from that of the PMDX-126 (and the ESS should not power the PMDX-126). The internal power supply in the PMDX-126 cannot run any other accessories if you power the ESS from it.

The DMB4350-8B Breakout Board features up to 5 axis CNC operation, PWM analog output for spindle control, and 3 I/O extensions.

There is a Mach3 XML file provided on their site.

Here is a Mach4 profile that has axes working and uses the Relay mode for Spindle operation. *** Note, it looks like this is actually the 4250 not the 4350, since they don't have a 4350. I don't want to break links and everything else so I will leave it as 4350. Here is a link to the original forum thread.

This BOB requires both 24V and 5V power to work properly.

Breakout Board for SmoothStepper - Original - Technical specifications:

* ESS SmoothStepper connector + 5V * 3 Relay Outputs up to 230V/5A * 2 Relay Outputs for Spindle CW/CCW * all inputs and outputs are protected by optocouplers * All inputs from 5-24V z.b. Limit switch, tool length measurement * All outputs from 5-24V * Port1: 5 Inputs * Port2: 4 Outputs or 13 Inputs * Port3: 12 Outputs or 13 Inputs * 6 Axes Outputs XYZABC mit 10MHz optocouplers * PWM Output for Spindle 0-10V oder 0-5V * Charge Pump Watchdog 12.5kHz * 5V Output with max 500mA * external emergency stop for board shutdown * Status display over LED * Power Supply Input 16-37V * 147x245mm

Breakout Board for SmoothStepper 4.0 - NEW - Technical specifications:

ESS Smoothstepper connector +5V
3 Solid State Relais Outputs up to 240V/2A with Fuse to change Short Circuit Protection Automatic Current Shutdown
1A ALARM Input for all Axis
2 Relay Outputs for Spindle CW/CCW
All inputs and outputs are protected by optocouplers All inputs from 5-24V z.b. Limit switch, tool length measurement All outputs from 5-24V
Port1: 5 Inputs
Port2: 4 Outputs or 13 Inputs
Port3: 12 Outputs or 13 Inputs
6 Axes Outputs XYZABC mit 10MHz optocouplers PWM Output for Spindle
0-10V oder 0-5V Charge Pump Watchdog 12.5kHz 5V Output with max 500mA
External emergency stop for board shutdown
Status display over LED
Status led for INPUTS Power Supply Input 8-98V

The HG08 allows for 5 axes, a Relay and 4 limit switches. Here is its manual.

You MUST USE THE USB cable to supply 5V to this board, otherwise the motor outputs WILL NOT WORK! (You should be able to cut a USB cable and connect it's PWR and GND wires to the +5v and GND used to feed your ESS. This will let you power the ST-V2 without having to connect it to the PC - preserving your electrical isolation from your PC.) If you plan on connecting the USB cable from this board to PC, then we don't recommend this board - you will lose the isolation the ES provides to your PC! One user said that you can 'wire 5v (+) and Ground (-) to the connectors on the rear' and have it work, but I have not verified this.

This ST-V2 board uses a 74HC244 logic chip that drives 6 mA. This should work for most motor drivers, but not necessarily ALL motor drivers! You will need to check the motor driver specs to know for sure.

You will need a FEMALELPH26-to-DB25 FEMALE ribbon cable to connect this board to one of the ESS ports.
If you are feeding it 12V in the 12V / 24V input, you may or may not have enough voltage headroom to drive your Spindle 0-10V signal all the way up to 10V. You may need to use a higher supply voltage (up to 24V) to get all the way up to 10V on the Spindle Output.

Notes: Pins 2-9 are not bidirectional so they will always be outputs.

5 Axis MACH3 CNC Breakout Board Interface for Stepper Motor Driver.
Brand: StepperOnline
UPC: 0705701867036
Model: US056

We DO NOT recommend this NO NAME BOB, since there is no information or documentation we can find about it other than a picture which lists the silk screen pin names. (Right click on the image and click view image to see a larger version of it.)

MD-D207-1, typically also available through Amazon.

This is a cheap and easy way to just get signals out of the ESS. However, I would not recommend having a second BOB connected through this BOB, if you are going to have critical high speed signals go through that second BOB! This means Encoders, probes and motor step signals should not be daisy chained to a BOB through this BOB. The reason for that is the extra sets of connections and reflection points could cause extra noise, resistance and signal reflections that may degrade performance. This would not be an issue with low speed signals, passing through this BOB into another BOB, or high speed signals (Encoders, probes or motor step signals) signals coming directly in or out of this BOB.

Motor Driver Boards with Parallel Port connector

A California based manufacturer of Motor Drivers. They have many more products than we are listing.

G540 - 4-Axis Digital Step Drive, PWM to 0-10VDC VFD output, E-Stop input, 4 inputs for switches, 2 relay outputs

To connect a SmoothStepper to a G540, you need a ribbon cable with a Female LDH26 end (ESS) and a Male DB25 end.
On our order page, it would be one of these FEMALE LPH26-to-DB25 MALE ribbon cables:

  • 13 inch long(C-P26DB25M-R)
  • 14 inch long (C-P26DB25M-L)

Otherwise if you already have a Female DB25 ended cable, you could use a Male DB25-to-DB25 Male Gender Changer which is at the bottom of our Order page.

Here are the EZ-G540s which make it easy to adjust your current set resistors between pins 1 and 5.

They have lots of Stepper drivers, more than we will list here.

  • MX4660 is a 4 axis driver. Please use a FEMALELPH26-to-DB25 MALE ribbon cable to connect the SmoothStepper to the MX4660's CN1: DB25 header, which will allow you to control the motors. DO NOT CONNECT the SmoothStepper to the MX4660's CN10: 26 pin header, it does not have motor signal inputs. The CN10 is an expansion port for the 4th axis.

For Inputs 1, 2, 3 and 4 to work, you will need to tie the +12v output (or other allowable voltage) to the Opto 1 input. Without doing this, your Optos will not be powered and your inputs will not work on the 4660.

THC (Torch Height Controller)

The TMC3in1 is a Torch Height Controller (THC) that gives you:

  • Torch Tip Volts input for 50:1, 40:1, 30:1, 20:1, 16.67:1 and 15:1 divided volts measurement
  • A Torch Relay
  • An optoisolated Arc Okay input
  • Two additional 12V/24V optoisolated inputs
  • Outputs for 4 sets of Step and Dir signals (or 8 regular outputs)

This works with both Mach4 (recommended) -or- Mach3.

Voltage Level Translators

Some Break Out Boards (BOBs) provide support for 12V and 24V devices to bring them down to 5V DC. If you are using a different BOB, a device like this may be useful:

  • 24V To 5V 8-Channel 8bit Photoelectric Isolation Module Level Voltage Converter (Dead eBay Link)


Please visit our FAQ Pendants and MPGs page for more details.

How Do I Get My BOB Listed?


If you are a BOB manufacturer we will gladly add you to the list, just This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us with these details.

1) Your company name, company logo (up to 500 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall), a company webpage you want your logo to link to, and a short description about your company. The page you want us to link to will be on your site, and you can update it as you wish.


2) For each BOB product (not connectors or miscellaneous add-ons, but for each individual BOB) list the following:

  • Category (General Purpose, Torch Height Control, VFD controller, etc..) (We have already listed a few categories on this page, but we are open to a few new categories).
  • Model Number or Name
  • Product Web Page (that the Model Number or Name will link to).
  • Product image
  • A short one sentence description about its features.

Thank you very much for this wonderful work I was looking for so much so I found you but my problem is that my electronic information is not good, that I can install the pieces but I can not detect the notes or errors. If there are any comments or modification on this circuit I hope you help me so I do not start I am thankful to you again and I wish from all the brothers who participated and who have participated in this experience and have experience in it if they can help me please and thank you all